Henjo Hoeksma


Topics I am interested in are: personal growth & development, the skill of living life, spirituality, productivity & effectivity.

Stuff I like to do are: practicing running, climbing & bouldering, mountain & gravel biking, the occasional guitar playing, reading and taking a bath.

I occasionally go for a back- or bike-packing adventure. Preferably in nature rich areas.

I love asking questions and tell stories - or hear a good ones πŸ˜„πŸ„. If we do this sitting in front of a nice fireplace, that would be a great bonusπŸ˜„ 


Where it comes to business, I work as a web developer out of UpAssist. I also have several more entrepreneurial endeavours going on. 
I absolutely enjoy the freedom this gives me as well as the constant pull to dream and create and the more than occasional uncomfortable situations I find myself in πŸ™ˆ